Thursday, October 25, 2012

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ~ M. Angelou

So, I’m having the fat surgery. Big deal. Why blog about it? Why do I need to talk about it? 

Before I was a counselor, I was an English teacher. Before I was an English teacher, I was a reader and a writer and a lover of words. I began reading when I was two - yes... two... no lie - ask my mom. In recent years, I have gotten away from writing, other than that damn dissertation - that's enough to put anyone off writing for awhile - but, now, I am feeling words bubbling up and spilling out of me. I need to give them some place to go. 

Why this? Why write about my fatness and, hopefully, my thinness? What I have learned over the six months that I have been involved with the Cleveland Clinic Bariatric and Metabolic Institute (BMI), is that the general public has a lot of misconceptions about weight loss surgery. And, if you’ve never struggled with your weight, you may have a lot of misconceptions about what it’s like to be overweight. Many people know someone who has had weight loss surgery but it’s somewhat taboo to talk about it. I don’t think it should be. So I want to write about my experience as a fat person, as a person having weight loss surgery, and then as a thin(ner) person to attempt to alleviate some of those misconceptions and answer those questions. I also think weight loss surgery is an under-utilized tool. If people knew more about it, understood the risks and benefits and how to maneuver through the insurance approval process, I think many weight-related health issues could be resolved and quality of life could be improved for many people.

So, ask away. I’m not shy (anymore). Feel free to post your questions here or on my Facebook page. If you would like to send them privately, please email me or private message me on Facebook and I will post the question anonymously and then answer it.

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